Confident pharmaceutical impurity profiling using high-res mass spec

by | Mar 28, 2018

Workflows involved in pharmaceutical impurity analysis and API stability studies, and how to deliver confidence in the identification of unknown impurities. Sciex and Eurofins Alphora

Attend this on-demand webinar and learn about workflows involved in pharmaceutical impurity analysis and API stability studies, and how to deliver confidence in the identification of unknown impurities...

Corporate_Head_FINAL_6x.jpgPharmaceutical impurities are found in starting and intermediate materials used in the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and in the API material itself. These affect the potency of the pharmaceutical product and can pose health risks to consumers.

Separation Science, in collaboration with SCIEX, offers an on-demand presentation discussing the workflows involved in pharmaceutical impurity analysis and API stability studies, and how to deliver confidence in the identification of unknown impurities.

The presentation is given by Matthew Thompson (Manager of Quality Control, Eurofins Alphora) and Daniel Warren (Senior Product Application Scientist, SCIEX), who will describe the latest accurate mass platform and automated software for profiling of API impurities. Learn from case study examples and results for utilizing this technology for pharmaceutical impurity profiling. Watch the video below:

By viewing this on-demand webinar you will learn about:

  • The challenges associated with pharmaceutical API and impurity analysis
  • How to confidently identify unknown impurities by using the SCIEX high-resolution accurate mass platform
  • The latest software tools for automated identification of impurities and unknowns

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