By attending this webinar, you will:
- Discover how the Pro EZLC Chromatogram Modeler can help with adding new compounds to your analysis.
- Learn how Raptor Biphenyl allows for easy incorporation of these compounds into existing methods.
Event Overview
Developing analytical methods for drug compounds can be a complex and demanding task. Knowing where to start, understanding how to integrate new compounds into existing methods, and determining the necessary materials and techniques can be challenging. Our goal is to guide you through the process, beginning with selecting the appropriate column, including considerations for particle size, phase, and dimensions. We will then cover the choice of mobile phase and method conditions to ensure your analytical objectives are met. Throughout the training, we will utilize Restek’s Pro EZLC Chromatogram Modeler to illustrate the principles and practices discussed.
Who should attend:
- Method development specialists, research chemists, and operation scientists in global toxicology labs.
What you need to know:
Date: 10 September, 2024
Start times:
Broadcast #1: 10 September - 9 am EDT (New York) / 2 pm BST (London) / 3 pm CEST (Paris/Berlin)
Broadcast #2: 10 September - 10 am PDT (Los Angeles) / 12 pm CDT (Chicago) / 1 pm EDT (New York)
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Paul Connolly
Liquid Chromatography Business Manager, Restek Corporation
Paul brought decades of analytical and chromatography expertise to Restek, including 16 years performing LC-MS/MS. He earned his BS in biology and a minor in chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh, after which he was an environmental GC, GC-MS, and HPLC chemist for nearly a decade. Paul has also worked as a scientist and was principal investigator, group leader, technical leader, and method developer for contract research organizations providing LC-MS/MS support to the food safety, environmental, animal health, and crop protection industries. Paul was also a bioanalytical laboratory director, providing analytical laboratory services for drug development. As Restek's liquid chromatography business manager, Paul's main focus is to grow and develop the company's LC product lines and to provide our customers with high-performing solutions to their LC challenges.
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