
Optimizing Pharma and Biopharma Analysis Workflows

Optimize pharma and biopharma workflows with automation. Discover real-world examples of increased efficiency and productivity.

In today’s biopharmaceutical labs, the demand for higher efficiency, reproducibility, and accuracy has never been greater. Manual sample preparation methods are time-consuming and prone to error, making automation a critical step toward optimizing workflows. This eBook explores the benefits of automating protein and peptide sample preparation, offering insights and resources designed to help labs streamline processes and improve overall performance.

Inside, you’ll find a wealth of expert-driven content, including:

  • An infographic unveiling common myths about laboratory automation
  • A comprehensive guide to Agilent’s AssayMAP Bravo cartridges for automated protein sample preparation
  • Peer-reviewed publications and application notes demonstrating real-world use cases

Whether you’re looking to enhance reproducibility, reduce operator error, or increase throughput, this eBook provides practical tools and insights for optimizing your biopharma workflows through automation. Discover how to take your lab to the next level with cutting-edge automated solutions.

Download this eBook to:

  • Understand the benefits of automation in biopharma workflows
  • Identify the right tools and techniques for automated protein and peptide preparation
  • Explore real-world automated solution applications and case studies

Plus access the bonus content:

[On-Demand Webinar] Build Your Ideal Workflow with the Bravo: Automated Liquid Handling for Every Lab

Discover how to transform your laboratory using a compact and versatile liquid handling platform that enables optimized workflows and enhances efficiency. From simple liquid transfers to complex assays, it's possible to automate a wide range of tasks with precision pipetting and a customizable deck, ensuring accurate and reproducible results.

[Video Application Note] Improve Data Quality, Reduce Time to Results, and Simplify Documentation with New Sample Prep Applications and AssayMAP Software Enhancements

Discover how automation can improve the probability of successfully and efficiently moving the best candidates forward by improving data quality, minimizing errors, and reducing labor costs. It also ensures seamless transfer of assays between labs, even when these labs have different regulatory requirements.

[Product Guide] Agilent Automation Solutions

This portfolio provides automation solutions to address sample preparation needs for proteins, genomics, NGS applications, cell analysis, and metabolomics workflows.

[Product Guide] Agilent AssayMAP Bravo Platform

Discover a powerful yet easy-to-use automated platform that is transforming protein and peptide sample preparation for mass spec analysis.

[Selection Guide] Agilent AssayMAP Bravo Cartridges for Automated Protein Sample Preparation Workflows

Learn how the AssayMAP platform supports a broad range of protein quantification and characterization workflows, including affinity purification, enzymatic digestion, protein and peptide cleanup, peptide mapping, peptide fractionation, N-Glycan analysis, and phosphopeptide enrichment.

[Product Information] How Much Could You Save by Automating Sample Preparation?

See how you can increase lab efficiency, data reproducibility, and sample throughput by automating your sample preparation with Agilent Bravo. Use the savings calculator to estimate how much time and money your lab can save every year.

[Product Video] Unravelling the Myths of Laboratory Automation

This video addresses several common myths about laboratory automation technology. It also showcases compact, modular, and flexible solutions suitable for both expert and novice users.

[Product Information] AssayMAP Bravo Fundamentals

Automated sample preparation for LC/MS analyses in biopharmaceutical workflows. Automation eliminates manual pipetting steps, making your sample preparation methods less variable, less labor intensive, less error prone, and more scalable —allowing you to get the best results possible from your downstream analytical instruments such as liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS).

[Citation Index] Agilent AssayMAP Bravo

This citation index provides fast access to the bibliographic information for all the peer-reviewed publications and Agilent application notes, as of December 2023, that use the AssayMAP Bravo for protein sample preparation.


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