6 Steps to Successful ICP-OES Analysis

by | Feb 8, 2022

Learn the 6 critical steps to ensure the best performance from your ICP-OES, and help you achieve successful ICP-OES analyses.

Want to improve your ICP-OES skills? Then visit the '6 Steps to Successful ICP-OES' tutorial.

WebCoverImageAA2In this free-access learning series you’ll be provided with video tutorials detailing the 6 critical steps to ensure the best performance from your ICP-OES, and help you achieve successful ICP-OES analyses. The available tutorials, which can each be viewed separately, are listed below and to view these free of charge simply register using the form opposite.

The tutorials available are:

Tutorial #1: Prevent Nebulizer Blockage
This tutorial will look at the nebulizer in the sample introduction system. A blockage in the nebulizer, even if only a partial blockage, can restrict sample flow and reduce sensitivity, degrading accuracy and precision. You can prevent blockages with some simple precautions which are outlined in this tutorial.

Tutorial #2: Maintaining the Sample Introduction System
This tutorial will look at the other main components of the sample introduction system – the spray chamber and the torch.

Tutorial #3: Prepare Accurate Standards
Here you will hear about the steps and operating procedures you should follow to ensure preparation of accurate standards for your analyses.

Tutorial #4: Optimize the Pump Tubing
This presentation covers the peristaltic pump tubing used for ICP-OES analysis. Ensuring that this is in good condition is critical to achieve best performance from the instrument.

Tutorial #5: Check Analytical Sensitivity
This tutorial provides an overview of some quick and convenient ways that you can check the condition or health of your instrument, and provides some tips that can help you enhance the sensitivity when required.

Tutorial #6: Tips for Routine Maintenance
This presentation will provide some recommended maintenance schedules to ensure you are getting the best performance out of your ICP-OES instrument.

These tutorials are brought to you in collaboration with Agilent, and presented by Eric Vanclay. Eric joined Varian in 1988 and has worked in a number of roles including Atomic Absorption Product Specialist, Atomic Absorption Product Manager, Export Marketing Manager, European Field Sales/Applications Specialist (atomic spectroscopy), ICP-OES Product Manager and MP-AES Product Manager. After the acquisition of Varian by Agilent, Eric took on the role of Spectroscopy Supplies Product Marketing Manager, with responsibility for field sales support, customer support, product development and marketing of the spectroscopy supplies. He has over 30 years’ experience with all of the atomic spectroscopy techniques. He is based at Agilent’s Spectroscopy Technology Innovation Centre in Melbourne, Australia.

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