Advance Your Lab Operations – Asset Monitoring

by | Jun 23, 2022

Asset monitoring and the benefits it can bring to your laboratory, how it works, is it secure, and how to make better decisions from the information

PodcastSplash_AssetMonitoring_finalListen to our conversation with Rouan Tulloch, Digital Services Sales Specialist at Agilent Technologies, where we discuss what asset monitoring is and the benefits it can bring to your laboratory, how it works and is it secure, and how to make better decisions from the information generated.

Learn about:

  • how Agilent’s CrossLab Connect Asset Monitoring can provide a previously unseen window into your laboratory’s productivity by providing insights to help customers make fact-based decisions on capital expenditure and operational planning
  • how asset monitoring works, the technology used and how it is implemented
  • examples of insights that asset monitoring can provide, and how these can facilitate more effective decision making in the laboratory

In addition to listening to the conversation you'll be able to download the following resource:

[Flyer] Unlock the Full Potential of Your Lab
AssetMonitoring_Resource1Find out how to capture lab-wide instrument utilization data across all of your workflows; view analytics compiled in dashboards to drive insights for improvements; and justify CapEx, OpEx, and productivity decisions using fact-based data.

Listen to the podcast episode by clicking the button below:

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