Advanced HPLC Method Development Using Quality by Design

by | Mar 27, 2023

Advanced HPLC Method Development Using Quality by Design is a comprehensive course in the systematic development of liquid chromatography separations using QbD principles

A comprehensive course in the systematic development of liquid chromatography separations using QbD principles. Which is usually better,  an “adequate” method or an “optimum” method? When beginning method development, is it more effective to start by exploring “continuous” variables or “quasi-discontinuous” ones, or “discontinuous” ones? 

This course is designed for practical workers in the laboratory who have the responsibility for designing new HPLC or UHPLC methods or transferring methods between laboratories. Experienced workers will get the most out of this class, but because it builds from the fundamentals, anyone with experience in HPLC or UHPLC will gain valuable knowledge.


This course covers:

  • The central tenet of Quality by Design (ICH Q8) is that quality cannot be tested into a product – instead, it must be designed into the product. When the product is an HPLC method, QbD strategies can guide the development process to result in a standardized method development procedure, more easily validated methods, and methods that are easier to use and adjust in routine applications.
  • “Advanced HPLC Method Development Using Quality by Design” is an intensive online class that teaches you strategies and techniques to develop high-quality HPLC and UHPLC methods quickly and with confidence. You will learn a time-proven technique that walks you through the method development process a step at a time using sound chromatographic principles to help make the process more efficient. The techniques can be used as a stand-alone strategy or added to existing development procedures to help streamline the process. Because the same principles apply to HPLC and UHPLC, you can apply the same information for the development of UHPLC methods.

By attending this online training course you get full access to the 38 video modules and approximately 12.5 hours of instruction. You also get handouts containing copies of all of the approximately 520 PowerPoint slides used in the class. These are arranged for easy note-taking while you view each module and give you a valuable resource for future reference.

This module has a complementary quiz. By correctly answering the quiz questions for all of the modules as part of the course you will be able to download your certificate of completion. Types of questions to expect are:

  • Which is usually better,  an “adequate” method or an “optimum” method?
  • When beginning method development, is it more effective to start by exploring “continuous” variables or “quasi-discontinuous” ones, or “discontinuous” ones?
  • Why is watching the critical resolution (minimum resolution) an effective way to evaluate a separation?
  • Which is better comparing the Quality by Design (QbD) approach to method adjustment and that of the pharmacopoeia (USP, EP, BP, JP, etc.)?
  • What are the factors to consider in developing an HPLC method?


Analytical Training Solutions, brought to you by Separation Science, is the leading global portal for fundamentals, best practice, troubleshooting and method development training for chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques. Comprehensive, self-paced online courses and validated learning provides a unique education resource for analytical chemists. Currently, we offer HPLC training, LC-MS training, GC training and GC-MS training.


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