Separation Science, in collaboration with Markes International and SepSolve Analytical, offers a selection of application notes relevant for environmental analysis embracing sample extraction and enrichment with comprehensive GC (GC×GC) and GC-MS.
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Quantitative Analysis of Microplastics in Bottled Drinks
This study describes the use of direct thermal desorption (TD) of filtrates coupled to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to analyse microplastic samples, providing simultaneous polymer identification and quantitative results in a simple, time-efficient workflow.
Routine Monitoring of Airborne VOCs using TD–GC×GC–TOF MS/FID
This study demonstrates the suitability of a TD–GC×GC system with dual TOF MS/FID detection for the routine, automated analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in complex air samples. Analysis of a TO-15 standard demonstrates excellent peak shape and repeatability, with integrated control and simple data processing on a single platform.
Comprehensive Screening of Volatile Emissions from Plastics
This study demonstrates the use of a discovery platform combining thermal desorption (TD) with GC×GC–TOF MS for comprehensive screening of emissions from plastics.
New Car Smell: Improved Identification of Odours in Vehicle Interior Air
This study demonstrates the discovery of odour compounds using thermal desorption (TD) with GC×GC–TOF MS. This solution provides target and non-target screening of car trim components on a single platform, for advanced analysis of vehicle interior air quality (VIAQ).
Fast and Efficient Group-type (PiPNA) Classification of Jet Fuels
This study demonstrates the performance of flow-modulated GC×GC for robust group-type characterisation of jet fuels, with quantitative analysis by flame ionisation detection (FID) and confident identification of trace-level contaminants by mass spectrometry.
Completely Cryogen-free Monitoring of PAMS Ozone Precursors, TO-15 Air Toxics and OVOCs in Ambient Air in a Single Run
This study describes the sampling and analysis of a combined list of PAMS ozone precursors, TO-15 air toxics and OVOCs at high humidity, without the use of liquid nitrogen or other cryogen.
Analysis of Volatile Organic Pollutants in Water using Headspace–trap GC–MS: Maximising Performance for ppt-level VOCs
This study demonstrates the analysis of a broad range of trace-level volatile organic compounds in drinking water using the headspace–trap sampling mode of the Centri automated multi-mode sampling and concentration system.