Continuous Manufacturing: Business Case Drivers, Control and Deployment Strategies for Small Molecule Oral Products

by | Mar 25, 2021

With the move from traditional batch manufacturing to continuous manufacturing, there is a need for real-time monitoring and real-time release of products, webinar by Peter Van Broeck,...

With the move from traditional batch manufacturing to continuous manufacturing there is a need for real-time monitoring and real-time release of products - learn more from Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

This presentation will examine different elements that can drive the business case of a continuous manufacturing project, and which strategies could be used to deploy this wonderful technology throughout an organization. Also covered will be an overview of the analytical control strategy for a continuous process and its impact on the laboratory.

peterHTCPeter Van Broeck (Scientific Director Small Molecules Pharmaceutical Development - Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Belgium)
Peter van Broeck is the Scientific Director in Analytical Development at Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Beerse, Belgium. Since joining Janssen Peter has held several positions including Head of Chemical Process Control and Global Head New Product Introduction. Prior to working at Janssen he had spells with Betz-Dearborn Europe (now GE Water Treatment) and Amylum. His current responsibilities include Continuous Manufacturing strategy deployment lead for Analytical Development (AD), and implementation of new analytical technology/platforms (e.g., process analytical technologies (PAT), Real Time Release testing (RTRt)) and analytical strategy for (small molecules) drug product development/manufacturing.


Technology, Innovation & Impact on the Laboratory

Separation Science offers an on-demand virtual learning series and discussion forums with eminent global thought leaders that covers current and future trends in QbD and PAT and their impact on the laboratory of the future and its connection to continuous manufacturing. PHARMA 4.0: Transforming Pharmaceutical Manufacturing brings together participants from industry, academia and regulatory to create an invaluable resource for recent developments, future trends, challenges and solutions for development & manufacturing of pharmaceutical & biotechnology products.

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