ICP-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for the Determination of (Ultra)Traces of Challenging Elements in Complex Matrices

by | Mar 16, 2017

Presentation describing ICP-tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for the determination of (ultra) traces of challenging elements in complex matrices

Spectroscopy Solutions has developed an on-demand version of its 'Applications and New Developments in ICP-MS and Related Techniques eSeminar'. This online educational event will provide those using these techniques updates and guidance on the latest methods, protocols, processes and developments with key experts providing practical insights into their respective fields.

Balcaen80.pngIn this presentation Lieve Balcaen from Ghent University, Belgium provides an overview of typical reaction pathways in the reaction cell when using different reaction gases. She goes on to demonstrate the added value of ICP-tandem mass spectrometry by showing the results obtained for some challenging analyses performed in her lab.

Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a very powerful technique for the determination of (ultra-)trace elements, but the occurrence of spectral interferences can be seen as one of the major drawbacks. Since the commercial introduction of the technique in 1983, researchers all over the world have been searching for ways to deal with this problem. Recently, a new type of quadrupole based ICP-MS instrument – equipped with a reaction cell and an additional quadrupole in-between the interface and the reaction cell – has been introduced onto the market (ICP-tandem mass spectrometer - ICP-QQQ or ICP-MS/MS). In this presentation, the main principle of ICP-MS/MS will be discussed, together with some specific features of this type of instrumentation.  

By viewing this presentation you will gain:

  • an insight into the working principle of ICP-tandem mass spectrometry 
  • an understanding ot its main features and possible application fields

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