Flow-modulated GC×GC–FID to streamline profiling of cannabis terpenes and terpenoids

by | May 1, 2019

Study on the use of flow-modulated GC×GC–FID to streamline profiling of cannabis terpenes and terpenoids.

This study from SepSolve demonstrates the use of flow-modulated GC×GC–FID to streamline profiling of cannabis terpenes and terpenoids. A key feature is the enhanced separation provided by GC×GC, which improves confidence in compound identity and data quality.

The classification of terpenes and terpenoids is an important aspect of cannabis analysis, due to the distinctive aroma and flavour that they impart, as well as their contributions to physiological effects and psychoactivity. In the case of medical cannabis, specific terpene profiles are engineered by plant breeders in order to give the desired therapeutic effects.

However, the separation and quantitation of these diverse compounds can be challenging. Conventional GC–FID or GC–MS results in the abundance of important terpenes being over-estimated, due to the co-elution of similar compounds or oxygenated derivatives, and poor confidence in data quality.

In this white paper the fast and efficient profiling of cannabis terpenes and terpenoids is demonstrated, using reverse fill/flush flow modulation for robust, repeatable and affordable GC×GC–FID, combined with simple but effective data-processing workflows.

For experimental conditions please refer to the white paper by downloading it free below.

Results and Discussion
The enhanced separation provided by GC×GC enables all terpenes in both standards to be resolved. In contrast, conventional GC–FID or GC–MS can result in the abundance of important compounds being over-estimated, due to the co-elution of similar compounds or oxygenated derivatives.
ChromSpace® instrument control and data-processing software used in this study allows automated classification of terpenes using stencil regions, prior to quantitative analysis.

This study has demonstrated that GC×GC–FID with ChromSpace® data processing can provide:

  • The enhanced separation necessary for robust quantitation of terpenes and terpenoids, overcoming co-elution issues experienced in 1D GC.
  • Streamlined workflow and simplified training requirements, through full instrument control and real-time data processing using ChromSpace GC×GC software.
  • Doubled sample throughput with dual injection, providing a swift return on investment.
  • Lower running (and capital) costs through the use of INSIGHT ™ flow modulation. The INSIGHT modulator is compatible with most popular gas chromatographs, and is supplied with everything required to start using GC×GC immediately – allowing it to be retrofitted to existing GCs or purchased as part of a new system.
  • Simple upgrades to existing GCs by retrofitting INSIGHT.

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