Fundamentals of HPLC – Self-paced Online Training

by | Jun 6, 2019

This self-paced online training covers the essentials that every scientist needs in order to make effective use of liquid chromatography instrumentation.

Covers the essentials that every scientist needs in order to make effective use of liquid chromatography instrumentation. You should take this course if you are new to HPLC, or do you supervise new users of HPLC.

This online course taught by world-class experts is an opportunity to give new users a firm grounding in the fundamentals of HPLC economically and with minimum disruption to work schedules. “Fundamentals of HPLC” is intended for beginning chromatographers. No hands-on LC experience is required, but attendees should have a solid grasp of basic chemistry.


The course covers:

  • What is HPLC?: High Performance Liquid Chromatography, “High Pressure” Liquid Chromatography, even “High Priced” Liquid Chromatography; all of these interpretations of the acronym “HPLC” have some validity. In this introduction, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons HPLC has become the most widely used analytical technique in the world.
  • A brief history of HPLC: From the origins of chromatography at the beginning of the 20the century to the conceptual breakthroughs at mid-century and the revolution in technology of the 1970s, we’ll trace the evolution of today’s HPLC technology -- any look at the possible future.
  • From Apparatus to Instrument: In the final part of our overview, we’ll look at the underlying reasons why HPLC technology evolved the way it did.

By attending this online training course, you will acquire a good understanding of the fundamentals of HPLC and get a better knowledge of the key concepts involved. The course is aimed at managers, supervisors, auditors, reviewers, etc. who use information generated by HPLC but do not necessarily do chromatography themselves.

You will be able to answer these questions upon completion of the course:

  • What is one of the reasons for the wide popularity of HPLC?
  • What is the most common interpretation of the acronym "HPLC”?
  • When was liquid chromatography invented?
  • The word "chromatography" comes from which Greek words?
  • The key to HPLC is?
  • Liquid Chromatography depends on?
  • Band broadening during chromatography is?
  • The key to controlling band broadening in chromatography is?
  • Retention time is used to characterize?

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