High-resolution and high-speed simultaneous analysis of regulated UV-adsorbents in cosmetics

by | Apr 22, 2020

This application note provides details of LC conditions and columns to achieve high resolution and high-speed analysis of UV-absorbents.

This application note provides details of LC conditions and columns to achieve high resolution and high-speed analysis of UV-absorbents using an SPP column.

Shimadzu_Velox_CosmeticsUV-absorbents are a key component in many cosmetic products. These chemicals not only protect our skin and hair from UV radiation but also prolong the shelf-life and ensure the stability of ingredients in cosmetic products. These UV-absorbents, albeit effective and useful in its purpose, could also be toxic, hazardous and pose risk to human health. For these reasons, countries have imposed strict regulations on the allowable types and quantities of UV-absorbents.

In this article, the high-speed analysis of 23 such UV-absorbents are demonstrated using the Nexera series HPLC system and Shim-pack Velox C18 superficially porous particles (SPP), core shell column. High resolution was achieved in the 20-minute LC run. Commercial cosmetic cream samples were prepared and successfully tested for UV-absorbents using the described LC-UV method and setup.


Standard chromatograms of 23 UV-adsorbents (100 mg/L each).

Download this application note...

  • Find out the detailed LC conditions and columns to achieve high resolution and high-speed analysis of UV-absorbents
  • Detect and quantify 23 UV-absorbents in cosmetics in under 20 minutes with a low-pressure LC gradient mode

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