Hinder the Threat of Mycotoxin Contamination

by | Jul 9, 2019

Improve your mycotoxin workflows with this free infokit and explore creative approaches to rapidly detect these toxins to ensure minimal impact.

Mycotoxins are a significant global problem that greatly impacts a variety of feedstuffs. From economic impacts because of rejection of commodities in the market to reduced production in animals that consumed contaminated feed, and even the potential adverse effects from consuming mycotoxin-contaminated foods and feeds; these toxins have made their presence known.

SCIEX Download Your FREE LC-MSMS Mycotoxin Testing Info KitImprove Your Mycotoxin Workflows With This Free Infokit

Given the danger of these toxins, laboratories are constantly challenged to seek creative approaches to rapidly detect these toxins to ensure minimal impact, which is why we have put this info kit together.

  • Technical Note: Analysis and Quantification of Mycotoxins in Cereals Using MRMHR on the SCIEX X500R QTOF System with SCIEX OS
  • Technical Note: Simultaneous Analysis of 14 Mycotoxins and 163 Pesticides in Crude Extracts of Grains by LC-MS/MS
  • Technical Note: Simultaneous Analysis of 26 Mycotoxins in Grain on a SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500 MS System
  • Webinar: Determination of Mycotoxins in Milk-based Products and Infant Formula using Stable Isotope Dilution Assay and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry


SCIEX Food Compendium Volume 3
PLUS: Download the SCIEX Food Compendium Volume 3

In this eBook, browse through exclusive content and detail, on common applications such as glyphosate, mycotoxins, and allergens.

This Food Testing Compendium will equip your laboratory with key applications to deliver alternative testing suites and refining your current practices. Also included is a detailed perspective of the current food trends from around the globe. There is commentary on the emerging cannabis market in North America coupled with new testing approaches in Europe, China and Australia.

Get insight into the innovation from SCIEX that could enable your laboratory to push the boundaries in high throughput food testing and advancing your food analysis research. Filled with exclusive content and detail, every food testing lab should download a copy today.

Full package includes:

  • Food testing around the globe, see what the similarities or potential new workflows that your lab could adopt to grow its success
  • Read how innovation is being developed to meet the demands of the food testing industry
  • Key applications such as Glyphosate, Mycotoxins and Veterinary drugs along with emerging Allergens testing vMethods

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