In this presentation from a recent 'Advances in Enviromental Analysis eSeminar' hosted by Separation Science in collaboration with PerkinElmer, Lee Marotta (PerkinElmer, USA) and Jamie Brown (MilliporeSigma, USA) discuss how to effectively comply with new EPA method 325 for fenceline monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and passive sampling.
A new EPA method for the analysis of toxic compounds in air was promulgated in September of 2015 to protect human health. EPA method 325 focuses on long term passive sampling for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at the fenceline from fugitive and area sources. Benzene emissions are the focus of the new ruling but other VOCs can be monitored.
Since collection is performed passively onto thermal desorption tubes, an air sampling pump is not required. The sorbent tubes are deployed along the property fenceline. After sampling, the diffusive endcap is replaced with a metal storage cap and sent to a laboratory where they are analyzed by thermal desorption gas chromatography. The method allows for either mass spectrometry (MS) or flame ionization (FID) detection.
About the presentersLee Marotta has been a gas chromatographer for over 25 years starting at Exxon Corporate Research in 1988. After Exxon, Lee moved to PerkinElmer in 1992 as a Product Specialist and is currently a Senior Field Application Scientist focusing on solutions for the petroleum and environmental industries. Lee has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental field including water, soil and a focus on air.
Jamie Brown is an R&D Scientist with MilliporeSigma. He has over 29 years of experience in the development of products for sampling organic volatile compounds from air and water. He has routinely assisted regulatory agencies like the US EPA, OSHA, and NIOSH with method development; and he is an active member of the ASTM D22.05 Air Quality Committee. He has collaborated on methods for domestic and international regulatory agencies. He received his Associate degree from The Pennsylvania State University.
By viewing this presentation you will learn...
- from the thermal desorption experts utilized by the EPA in the development of method 325 A/B
- valuable information in understanding the theory and implementation of air sampling as well as thermal desorption technology
- optimization of method parameters for fast sample throughput, and the historical development of this new method.