ICP-MS for the accurate analysis of heavy metals in food

by | Jul 13, 2018

Find out how #ICP-MS is a key technology for analysing heavy metals in #foodsafety. Listen to Dr Sarah Hill from @LGCGroup provide insight into the application of...

Speciation analysis of heavy metals is key to ensuring food safety standards - find out how ICP-MS is leading the way...

Approached to trace element analysis in foodThe accurate determination of heavy metals is extremely important in many industries internationally, especially for food production. In the European economic region, several legislative acts exist requiring good quality analytical data for enforcement. Heavy metals, such as As, Cd, Hg and Pb, are of particular interest within the food/feed markets and are the subject of several regulations. Moreover, directives are expanding beyond total elemental content to cover speciation analysis; e.g., As speciation in rice, Cr speciation in food products/supplements.

ICP-MS is the technique of choice to handle this array of elements at low-ppb and sub-ppb level. An upcoming presentation will discuss the analytical challenges and potential issues associated with the measurement of heavy metals in food and food-products, including an insight into the recent developments for speciation analysis in the food arena.

The presentation covers the use of ICP-MS as a tool for the accurate analysis of heavy metals in food and food-products. It features the analytical challenges and potential issues that can arise. Furthermore, the application of speciation measurements for food products is highlighted

Sarah Hill ICP-MS for food analysisSarah Hill (Science Leader for Inorganic Analysis at LGC, UK) discusses the use of ICP-MS as a tool for the accurate analysis of heavy metals in food and food-products. She outlines the analytical challenges and potential issues that can arise, and highlights the application of speciation measurements for food products.

Separation Science, in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, offers an on-demand eseminar covering the issues surrounding the analysis of trace heavy metals in food matrices and the solutions available.

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