Do you need to improve your sample prep methods for the analysis of drugs of abuse in oral fluids? Do you need an automated method for solid-phase extraction? If so, this presentation will show you how to achieve this in a simple manner.
Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is one of the sample preparation methods most widely used by chromatographers, as can be seen from the large number of SPE methods found in the literature. Manual SPE cartridge formats can vary from disks to individual cartridges with various volumes of sorbent to 96-well plates. Solid-phase extraction can be tedious and time consuming when performed manually and there is increasing demand for automation of SPE methods. In this study, we show that an existing SPE method using ITSP cartridges can easily and efficiently be automated using the MPS roboticpro autosampler under MAESTRO control. An example of a solid-phase extraction method illustrating the quantitative determination of 50 drugs of abuse and 23 deuterated analogues in oral fluid is shown, demonstrating good linearity, accuracy and precision. The automated SPE extraction and subsequent determination of drugs of abuse was shown to clean and pre-concentrate oral fluid samples so that low-dose drugs at or near 1 ng/mL concentration are easily measured at S/N ≥20.
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To find out more Separation Science is hosting a presentation by Fredrick Foster of Gerstel who will be speaking about drugs of abuse in oral fluids with respect to automated SPE extraction and LC/MS/MS determination using a robotic autosampler as part of its upcoming 'Advances in Forensics & Toxicology' eSeminar this month. Simply register for the eSeminar to access the presentation.
About the presenterFredrick D. Foster received his BS in Chemistry from Juniata College and his MS in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University. Mr Foster has more than 25 years experience in analytical and bio-analytical method development and analysis, working closely with industry and various US Federal and State agencies. Application fields include clinical, forensic, food safety and environmental analysis, mainly based on HPLC and LC-MS/MS. Mr Foster currently works as an Applications Scientist for GERSTEL, Inc. located in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, helping to develop, demonstrate and train customers on automated sample preparation methods coupled to either HPLC or LC/MS/MS.
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