Improve your PFAS analysis with the FM4 Air Sampler

by | Nov 18, 2022

PFAS analysis using FM4 from GL Sciences is groundbreaking as it enables the simultaneous collection & analysis of particulate and gaseous PFAS in air.

Air Sampler FM4 is the first innovative portable sampler capable of simultaneously collecting and analysing particulate and gaseous PFAS in the air. FM4 consists of a three-stage cascade impactor, polyurethane foam, and activated carbon fiber disk that efficiently collect PFAS present in particle and gas. The PFAS collected in each collector can be eluted with an organic solvent and comprehensively analyzed in air using GC-MS / MS and LC-MS / MS.

Comprehensive Sampling Device
Both a particulate substance and a gaseous substance can be simultaneously collected using one compact sampler. Because it is possible to evaluate the collection amount for each material, a comprehensive PFAS evaluation is possible.

Capable of Collecting Gaseous PFAS (FTOH, etc.)
The collection of gaseous PFAS in the air, which are difficult to collect, is now possible using the newly activated carbon desorption material.

Excellent Recovery Rate
We achieved recovery rates for various PFAS.

Compact and Portable
A lightweight and compact air sampler that is easy to carry and does not have a large footprint.

コメント 2022-04-27 115911

Analyses of 53 PFAS using the FM4 air sampler with GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS

GL-SM210001R5 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances(PFAS) analysis in drinking water using anion exchange SPE - LC-MSMS with Activated Carbon Delay Column(20220411)Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) analysis in drinking water using anion exchange SPE - LC-MS/MS with Activated Carbon Delay Column

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