Low-cost determination of anions in municipal drinking water

by | Jul 15, 2021

Learn about a simple and low-cost instrument setup for routine determination of inorganic anions in drinking water using ion chromatography.

This application brief outlines how the integrated Thermo Scientific Dionex Easion IC system coupled with the Dionex AS-DV autosampler provides a simple and low-cost instrument setup for routine determination of inorganic anions in drinking water.

Ion chromatography (IC) is a well-accepted technique for monitoring inorganic anions in water, including surface, ground, drinking, and waste waters. In the United States, water quality is regulated through the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA) and enforced through the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). IC methods have been approved by the EPA for compliance monitoring of inorganic anions in drinking water since the 1980s through U.S. EPA Method 300.1 that was updated in 1997 to U.S. EPA Method 300. Various IC methods for water analysis have been demonstrated in Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ application notes using standard or microbore flow rate columns with both carbonate/bicarbonate and hydroxide eluents. This work demonstrates the determination of inorganic anions in drinking water by IC using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS22 column set on the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Easion™ Ion Chromatography system in Displacement Chemical Regeneration (DCR) mode.

Full details of the experimental conditions can be found by downloading the application note.

This work shows the determination of inorganic anions in a drinking water sample using the Dionex Easion IC system in DCR mode. The integrated Dionex Easion IC system coupled with the Dionex AS-DV autosampler provides a simple and low-cost instrument setup for routine determination of inorganic anions in drinking water.

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