Opportunities and Challenges in Vietnam’s Analysis and Lab Tech Market

by | Apr 27, 2021

Join the free webinar on 6th May 2021 “Opportunities and Challenges in Vietnam’s Analysis and Lab Tech Market” to learn more about the Vietnamese market.

Ahead of analytica Vietnam in October 2021, join the free webinar “Opportunities and Challenges in Vietnam’s Analysis and Lab Tech Market” to learn more about the Vietnamese market. The webinar will take place on May 6, 2021, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Analytica Vietnam Webinar

Experts like Francis Pithon, (Vice President EUROM II, Association for Optical and Laboratory Technology), Dr. Bui Van Ngoc (Vice Director of Institute of Biotechnology at Hanoi University) and Dr. Frauke Schmitz-Bauerdick (Director Vietnam at German Trade & Invest) will give an outlook on the future developments in Vietnam’s laboratory technology market and point out opportunities the country has to offer in the upcoming years.

With a GDP growth rate of 2.91% in 2020, Vietnam is one of the few countries in the world with positive expansion.

One reason for this development is its successful strategy in preventing and fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the country is not immune to the global economic downturn, its recovery prospects remain positive and are the best among Asian countries. For 2021, experts even expect growth rates of 6.2 to 6.8%.

The main growth driver is the processing industry, but also government investment programs and a growing middle class are increasing the demand for high-quality laboratory technology.

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