Software Solutions Enabling Open Access Workflows

by | Jan 28, 2019

Webinar Waters Openlynx Open Access Solutions and new workflows designed to streamline the implementation of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) technologies focused on Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry laboratories....

This on-demand webinar will discuss Waters® Openlynx™ Open Access Solutions and new workflows designed to streamline the implementation of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) technologies focused on supporting Medicinal Chemistry and Synthetic Chemistry laboratories.




In addition, we will discuss software solutions through a strategic partnership with Virscidian® Inc., which address bottlenecks of processing, reporting, and review of large datasets typically associated with compound library management.

What will you learn?

You will learn how Waters is simplifying analytical screening workflows for use with ACQUITY UPC2® and UPLC® instrumentation. The workflows are designed to facilitate achiral and chiral SFC analysis required for reaction monitoring and high throughput screening.

You will also learn about the “review-by-exception” approach within Virscidian’s Analytical Studio Professional software. Examples illustrate how results are processed automatically, reviewed, and triaged into AutoPass, AutoFail, and Review required visualizations, which are based on advanced interpretation logic.

The results are automatically annotated with comments that mimic those that are often added manually by analysts performing results review.

10311_2014116113622_markbayliss_v1Dr Mark Bayliss (Virscidian, Inc.) received his Ph.D. from University of Wales Swansea in the United Kingdom in pure and applied Mass Spectrometry. Mark has extensive Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry applications, hardware and software product management experience gained at Micromass (Waters Corporation), Thermo Finnigan (ThermoFisher Corporation) before focusing solely on software product management, development, and professional services at Advanced Chemistry Development Inc. (ACD/LABS). Mark has been responsible for the design and creation of ACD/Labs’ ACD/IntelliXtract™ and ACD/IntelliTarget™ along with the concepts for ACD/Spectrus™ which bring together structures, reactions, and analytical data into a unified platform. He joined Virscidian Inc. in 2009 to guide the science, product direction, and business development of the “Analytical Studio” platform. Recent innovations include autonomous high resolution data reduction and automated mass scale recalibration with sub-ppm substance results without user intervention. He says his dream “Is to fully automate analytical data reduction and expert results interpretation through software…”

10311_2014116113125_michaeljones_v1Michael Jones (Waters Corporation) graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 1998 with a BS in Chemistry. He has worked in the Pharmaceutical industry at AstraZeneca prior to coming to Waters in 2001 and his experience has facilitated the development and global adoption of products such as ACQUITY UPLC® and the ACQUITY® H-Class System. He has published articles focused on pharmaceutical development and natural product profiling using UPLC, UPC2, and mass spectrometry.

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