Tarun Anumol – ‘A Scientist at Heart’

by | Dec 1, 2021

Environmental issues facing society, what analytical challenges these issues create and how Agilent is addressing these challenges with robust solutions.

David Hills, Scientific Director of Separation Science, recently sat down with Dr Tarun Anumol, the Director of Global Environmental and Food Markets at Agilent, to discuss his current role, his passion for environmental analysis, and how he is driving a culture of environmental sustainability and environmental governance at Agilent.

TarunAnumolThe environment has been a passion for Tarun since an early age. Growing up in Southern India where water scarcity and water quality was part of daily life, coupled to his enthusiasm for mathematics and science created a pathway to engineering and onto research into developing water treatment strategies and identifying emerging contaminants. This opened the door to analytical instrumentation and on to his Agilent career.

In this discussion we cover some of the key environmental issues facing society today, what analytical challenges these issues are creating and how Agilent is addressing these challenges with robust workflow solutions. The discussion also touches on the key role of regulators in this industry and how providing instruments that offer accurate and reliable measurements are key to identifying, quantifying and regulating emerging contaminants and chemical pollutants.

Watch the interview below:

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