The Flame Ionization Detector – Part 1

by | May 8, 2019

Find out more about the flame ionization detector, which is the most commonly used GC detector.

In this technical article we initiate a discussion on the workhorse detector of gas chromatography: the flame ionization detector.

The flame ionization detector (FID) is the premier detector in gas chromatography. It has unique properties and performance that puts it above and beyond all other general-use detectors in gas chromatography (or any other form of chromatography, for that matter).
   Topping the list of unique attributes are (1) unit carbon response and (2) wide linear operating range (up to 7 orders of magnitude). When combined with its other attributes of low cost, ease of use, speed of response, and ruggedness, it is no wonder why the FID is the premier detector of choice for GC. The FID is a mass sensitive detector.
   That means that its response is proportional to the mass of carbon that passes through it. In that regard, FID response is stated in terms of picograms carbon per sec. Detection limits for FIDs are in the low pg C /sec.

By reading the full article you will learn more about the flame ionization detector, which is the most commonly used GC detector..

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