Separation Science, in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, offers a webinar presentation covering the benefits of data analytics and visualization tools. Learn how your laboratory can effectively use these to optimize its data to drive efficiency and innovation.
Format: On-demand
Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Event Overview
Effective data analysis is critical to provide scientists with actionable information and valuable insights. Although organizations are utilizing data analytics tools from a business intelligence perspective, there is the opportunity to leverage data even further and use it to drive decisions. Unfortunately, data is often limited in use, because it does not always follow the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Open standards from Allotrope, the Pistoia Alliance and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) all help to “FAIRify” data making it available for a wider use.
Once the power of data is unlocked, laboratories can begin to experience the full value of their data, applying predictive analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning tools. Developing configurable dashboards and utilizing powerful data analytics tools, as well as integrating data analytics capabilities throughout an entire workflow, can accelerate scientific insights.
In this presentation, Dr. David Hardy, from Thermo Fisher Scientific, reveals the benefits of data analytics and visualization tools, and explains how laboratories can effectively use these to optimize their data to drive efficiency and innovation.
By viewing this presentation you will learn:
- the value of applying new data analytics, visualization tools and techniques in the lab
- how integrating strategies can leverage data and derive valuable insights
- how the future of laboratory data can be positively impacted by advanced analytics
- how implementation of a Data Analytics Solution can provide powerful insights to your organization.
Who should attend?
- Lab managers
- Data scientists
- Lab IT specialists
- Lab personnel

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David Hardy
(Manager of Data Analytics and Visualization, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
David joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2017 as a Technical Solutions Manager before transitioning into his current role in 2020. With over 10 years of experience in product management, David’s career has always been focused on software – with a focus on LCMS software development and now LIMS software solutions. David has a BSc in Chemistry and a PhD in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy from the University of Leicester, England and completed his Post-Doc at AstraZeneca.