Vitamin and amino acid analysis for nutritional labelling

by | May 1, 2021

As the level of vitamins present in a food may vary, labelling on products like infant formula is a mandatory requirement by the US FDA.

ASTS_Campaign_Image_265Vitamins are nutrients required in trace amounts by an organism for its healthy growth and must be obtained from the diet. As the level of vitamins present in a food may vary from nanograms to milligrams, labelling these vitamins in a matrix like infant formula is a mandatory requirement by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The diversity in the chemical nature of vitamins made concurrent extraction and analysis of all vitamins challenging. Food labels are a legal requirement for many reasons, helping consumers make informed choices.

To find out more about this subject why not listen to Ansuman Mahato (LC Application Specialist, Agilent Technologies, India) give a presentation titled 'Vitamin and amino acid analysis for nutritional labelling', as part of the '2021 Agilent Science and Technology Virtual Symposium (ASTvS 2021)'. This online event takes place on 5 May, and will be available in on-demand format until 19 May.

Mr. Ansuman Mahato has been working in Agilent as senior application specialist for liquid chromatography in Center of Excellence lab. He carries rich experience on Agilent LC portfolio and drive industry collaboration for new solution development. He has been developing applications for various market segments like Pharma, Food, chemical & energy and biotherapeutics.

At ASTvS 2021 you also be able to listen to such talks as:

Innovation at Agilent - accelerating next generation science
Speaker: Darlene J S Solomon, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President, Agilent Technologies, USA

OpenLab - Benefits of Virtualization and Cloud Environments
Speaker: William Goodman, Director of Product Management for Software & Informatics, Agilent Technologies, USA

Enabling science. Simplifying services with CrossLab Lab-Wide Services
Speakers: Brian Duffy, Service Business Consultant, Agilent Technologies, USA and
Brittany Stille, Product Manager of Lab-Wide Instrument Services, Agilent Technologies, USA

Assessment of Residual Solvents in pharmaceuticals to updated ICH Q3C R8/USP 467
Speaker: Ian Eisele, Application Scientist, Agilent Technologies, USA

OpenLab - An Integrated Informatics systems for greater efficiency and data integrity
Speaker: Thomas Schmidt, Marketing Director for Software & Informatics, Agilent Technologies, Germany

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