Join scientists from around the world at the 50th sequel of the longest-running, largest, and most recognized conference in the world covering all aspects of Separations and Analyses carried out in Liquid Phase. HPLC 2022 will take place on June 18-23, 2022 in San Diego, California, USA. Information about the program, speakers, posters, courses, tutorials, competitions, sponsoring organizations, travel grants, exhibition and more may be found at
Look for a program full of new thrilling developments.
“The symposium will breathe new life into the community of chromatographers — the vitality we almost lost during the last three years
[Frantisek Svec, Symposium Chair]”
The program will comprise of general and parallel oral sessions packed with invited and contributed talks, presentations by exciting young scientists, a Poster Gallery within the exhibition hall featuring hundreds of scientific posters and opportunities to interact directly with poster authors and presenters, Best Poster competition with cash awards, HPLC Tube video contest with cash awards, competition with cash awards where Slammers will compete on the Separation Science Stage, vendor-sponsored technical workshops, 13 practical educational short courses, 6 tutorials that will provide outstanding opportunities for newcomers to obtain a solid foundation in the field and for veterans to update their knowledge, and an abundance of networking opportunities and lively discussions throughout the program and during breaks, mixers, reception in the exhibition hall, and fun social events.
A Conference with Strong Scientific Content and World-renowned Experts Presenting Discoveries, Best Practices, Techniques, and Real-life Applications
The Symposium will bring together scientists at all professional levels involved with all aspects of liquid-phase separations from fundamental research to practice, to provide a dynamic program with cutting-edge presentations and engaging scientific sessions covering a myriad of topics, and to offer wide opportunities for training, networking and informal discussion.
The major exhibition will showcase the industry’s latest and greatest in instrumentation, software, tools, accessories and consumables offering participants opportunities to view new product launches, check out innovative products, explore ground-breaking technologies, and discuss challenges and solutions with experts in the exhibition.
The extensive program will demonstrate novel solutions to important problems in medicine, biology, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food industries, the environment, manufacturing, agriculture, as well as industrial research and development. The conference program is guided by advances and emerging trends in separations technology and their impact on science, industry, and society.
- LEARN and exchange new ideas about the latest, ever-evolving scientific and technological advances related to all aspects of separations and analyses carried out in the liquid phase.
- HEAR from world-renowned experts about their latest innovative scientific research.
- EXPLORE innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies and applications offering break-through or even disruptive solutions for an important problem.
- VIEW new products and product launches in the major exhibition hall.
- GAIN an in-depth exposure to the most recent chromatography products and technologies on the market.
- OBTAIN new training through world-class educational short courses, vendor technical workshops, and in-depth tutorials on topical subjects.
- DISCOVER practical information to improve productivity and solve modern challenges.
- interact, enjoy lively discussions, and talk about challenges and solutions with colleagues in-person.
Young Scientists compete at the largest conference
on separations and analyses carried out in liquid-phase
BEST POSTERS COMPETITION – Winners acknowledged for scientific contribution to the field and originality of work in keeping with the high standards of the symposium.
SLAM COMPETITION – Slammers Compete on the Separation Science Stage.
HPLC TUBE (video) CONTEST – How is your chromatography making a difference in the world?
Short Courses “Great Training Opportunities”
1 - Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography: Principles, Instrumentation, Method Development, and Applications
2 - Chromatography in the Analysis and Characterization of Protein Therapeutic Drugs
3 - LC/MS and LC/MS/MS of Small Molecules
4 - Analysis and Characterization of Oligonucleotide Therapeutic Drugs
5 - (u)HPLC Method Development (focusing on pharmaceutical analysis)
6 - Introduction to Capillary Liquid Chromatography
7 - Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF): Polymer and Colloid Characterization
8 - Chiral Liquid Chromatography
9 - Capillary Electrophoresis with Mass Spectrometry Detection
10 - Solid-phase Extraction/Microextraction
Free Tutorials
- Introduction to Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
- LC/MS Strategies for Top-down Proteomics
- Making Sense of Proteomics Data in Biological Context: Data Analysis for Proteomics
- Introduction to Untargeted LC-MS Analysis
- Isocratic and Gradient HPLC Method Development
- Advanced Signal Processing Toolbox for Separation Scientists

Dynamic Program of World-renowned Experts Presenting Discoveries, Best Practices, Techniques and Applications
Meet the Plenary Speakers
Meet the Keynote Speakers
- ANDREW ALPERT, PolyLC Inc., USA - “Tuning up Selectivity in HILIC”
- JARED ANDERSON, Iowa State University, USA - “Determining the Loading of Oligonucleotides to Magnetic Liquid Supports for Sequence-Specific Nucleic Acid Extraction using HPLC”
- ERIN BAKER, North Carolina State University, USA - “Combining Multidimensional Measurements with Standards and Isotopologue Workflows to Detect, Identify and Validate Molecules in Omic Studies”
- DEIRDRE CABOOTER, KU Leuven, BELGIUM - “Possibilities of Machine Learning for Automation of Method Development in Liquid Chromatography”
- MARIA CATANI, University of Ferrara, ITALY - "Process Intensification in the Biopharma Industry: Improving Purification of Therapeutic Peptides through Multicolumn Continuous Countercurrent Preparative Liquid Chromatography"
- ALBERTO CAVAZZINI, University of Ferrara, ITALY - “Chiral Separations”
- JOHN DOLAN, LC Resources, USA - “In the Fullness of Time: The DryLab® Story”
- SEBASTIAAN EELTINK, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BELGIUM - “Novel Microfluidic Solution for Establishing the Next Generation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography”
- ATTILA FELINGER, University of Pecs, HUNGARY - “Solvent Interactions in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”
- FRANTISEK FORET, Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, CZECH REPUBLIC - “Preparative DNA Separation - Can Electrophoresis Bring Something New?”
- ANDREA GARGANO, University of Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS - “Poly(acrylamide-co-N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide) Monoliths for Low Flow Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry of Analysis of Intact Proteins”
- YING GE, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA - “Advancing Top-down Proteomics Through Novel Separation Strategies”
- MARTIN GILAR, Waters Corporation, USA - “Analysis of New Drug Modalities: Oligonucleotides, siRNA, and mRNA”
- JAMES GRINIAS, Rowan University, USA - “Implementation of Compact Capillary LC into Analytical Workflows”
- FABRICE GRITTI, Waters Corporation, USA - “Advances in Chemistry-Retention and Morphology-Efficiency Relationships to support method development in Liquid Chromatography”
- ROSANNE GUIJT, Deakin University, AUSTRALIA - “3D Printing for Functionally Integrated Fluidic Devices”
- DAVY GUILLARME, University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND - “Unexpected Solutions to Increase Resolution and Throughput for the Chromatographic Analysis of Protein Biopharmaceuticals”
- MICHAL HOLCAPEK, University of Pardubice, CZECH REPUBLIC - “UHPSFC/MS as the Method of Choice for High-Throughput Lipidomic Quantitation of Biological Samples”
- GERARD HOPFGARTNER, University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND - “Improving Sensitivity, Selectivity, and Information Content of Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Metabolites in Biological Samples”
- RYAN KELLY, Brigham Young University, USA - "Miniaturized LC Separations for Single-Cell Proteomics"
- ROBERT KENNEDY, University of Michigan, USA - “Capillary LC at 35,000 PSI and Beyond for Complex Mixture Analysis”
- GONGKE LI, Sun Yat-sen University, CHINA - “Sample Preparation Techniques for Rapid Detection of Complex Samples”
- TODD MALONEY, Eli Lilly and Company, USA - "Chromatography at the Interfaces: Lessons Learned and Future Trends in Online HPLC for Reaction Monitoring and Advanced Process Understanding and Control"
- DAVID MCCALLEY, University of the West of England, UK - “Managing Deleterious Solute Interactions with Metals in Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography”
- GREGORY NORDIN, Brigham Young University, USA - “High Resolution 3D Printing for Microfluidics”
- LUCIE NOVAKOVA, Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC - “Problems of Stationary Phases in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”
- SUSAN OLESIK, Ohio State University, USA - "Enhanced-fluidity Liquid Chromatography of Large Proteins and Protein Complexes"