Although “small molecule” and “biomolecular” separations have traditionally been considered as separate activities, analysts in the biopharmaceutical industry regularly have to deal with both. Fortunately, the underlying principles of chromatography apply equally well in both situations when interpreted appropriately.
If you use LC on the job and would like a better understanding of how its various techniques work and how and when to apply them to the analysis of biopharmaceuticals, “Practical HPLC for Biopharmaceuticals” is the online course for you. It’s designed for pharmaceutical scientists who use HPLC as a regular part of their jobs and would like a better grounding in HPLC, as well as enhancing knowledge and skills in alternative analytical solutions, and how and when to use them..
“Practical HPLC for Biopharmaceuticals” explains chromatography in practical terms from the ground up. Here’s what you’ll learn in this online course:
- The basics of isocratic and gradient HPLC
- Reversed phase and ion exchange HPLC
- HPLC equipment - from reservoirs/pumps to tubing/injectors to columns and detectors
- Understanding and overcoming common column problems
- Alternative modes: normal phase, HILIC and size exclusion
- Quantitation
- Performance qualification
- Troubleshooting and diagnostics
By taking this free, online course you will acquire a good understanding of the practicalities of HPLC (and HPLC troubleshooting) and how it can be used in the analysis of biopharmaceuticals. What you learn will demystify the role of liquid chromatography in the characterization of biopharmaceuticals. You’ll find out the various roles that the different separation techniques play in the determination, characterization and quantitation of both small molecules and biomolecules.
As well as conventional reversed phase HPLC you’ll will learn about ion-exchange, HILIC, size-exclusion chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography - providing you with an analytical toolbox to apply to your own analytical challenges.
Click on the button above to visit the course page, and then click on 'Read more' at the bottom of the 'Register for Free Accees' box on the right-hand side of the page.