Become a Digital Wine Connoisseur — Aroma Characterization using GCMS

by | Jun 24, 2020

Join Professor Erich Leitner from Graz University of Technology in Austria for this webinar describing how GC/GCMS can be used as an analytical tool to identify the...

Professor Erich Leitner from Graz Univeristy of Technology in Austria will share his knowledge of wine profiling and how GC/GCMS as analytical tool can help identify the origin of different wines in this upcoming webinar.


Wine is a very delicate agricultural product, whereby, similar grape varieties can achieve very different aromatic profiles due to various cultivation conditions. With these variations, aroma profiling of wine is essential in the production process to identify consumers' preferences, formulating conditions and also quality control. These aromatic profiles are determined by a multitude of volatile compounds that are usually characterized comprehensively using GC/GCMS.

In this webinar, Professor Erich Leitner will share his knowledge of wine profiling and how GC/GCMS as analytical tool can help identify the origin of different wines.

When is the webinar taking place?

29 June 2020, 17:30 GMT+8

Duration: 60 minutes including live Q&A

Learning Objectives

• Introduction and background to the factors affecting aromatic profile of wine
• Understand how you can use GC/GCMS as an analytical tool to identify the origins of different wines
• Understand the benefits and limitations of different techniques in wine profiling.


Leitner_100Prof. Erich Leitner
Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Graz University of Technology

Professor Erich Leitner studied technical chemistry at the Graz University of Technology, Austria where he obtained a PhD in organic trace analysis and habilitation in “Food Chemistry”. His research activities are focused on the identification of volatile and odour active substances in food and food contact materials. Currently he is head of the research group “Food chemistry and Human Sensory Analysis” at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry at the Graz University of Technology. In his research he combines the use of a trained expert panel and highly specific equipment based on gas chromatographic techniques for the identification and quantification of aromatic compounds.

To find out more about the work of Professor Leitner, click here >>

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