Comprehensive cell culture profiling using Q-TOF MS/MS

by | Feb 12, 2020

Discover how to readily perform comprehensive targeted analysis of cell culture media using Q-TOF MS/MS

This application note will help you readily perform comprehensive targeted analysis of cell culture media and understand how to identify and quantify unknown cell culture media components with high accuracy using Q-TOF MS/MS.

Shimadzu_cell_culture_profilingInduced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has emerged as a promising therapy for degenerative diseases. However, for establishing safe, large-scale production of iPS cells, factors affecting the quality attributes need to be fully characterized. One such factor could be the culture media. By understanding and optimizing the complex relationship of the components in the culture media, the best microenvironment for the bioprocessing of iPS cells can be determined.

In this article, we demonstrated comprehensive iPS culture media profiling using targeted and non-targeted analysis with the LCMS-9030 Q-TOF. Targeted analysis (selected ion monitoring, SIM) of 27 compounds was conducted readily using the LC-MS/MS Method Package for Cell Culture Profiling to reliably monitor their quantitative changes. Non-targeted (full-scan) analysis was conducted to identify other significant unknowns, and several with quantitative fluctuations were highlighted. With the highly accurate mass information provided, an unknown metabolite of interest was picked for compound estimation using structure estimation software and matched against the Human Metabolome Database. The results suggested that it could be an intermediate metabolite of tryptophan and corresponds to the quantitative results from the SIM analysis.


Non-Targeted Analysis by Signpost MS

Download this application note and...

  • Readily perform comprehensive targeted analysis of cell culture media using the LC-MS/MS Method Package
  • Understand how to identify and quantify unknown cell culture media components with high accuracy using Q-TOF MS/MS.

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