Easy and sensitive method for sorbitol determination in food products

by | Apr 19, 2021

The Thermo Scientific Dionex CarboPac PA300-4µm column allows simplified, high-resolution sorbitol separation and quantification in complex samples.

This application note demonstrates how Thermo Scientific Dionex CarboPac PA300-4µm column allows simplified, high-resolution sorbitol separation and quantification in complex samples.

Thermo-Sorbitol-Determination Goal
Develop an easy method for sorbitol determination in food products using eluent generation, HPIC, and HPAE-PAD technologies.

Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol, or polyol, used in pharmaceuticals
and cosmetics. Sorbitol is also used as an additive in food, where it is labeled by its E-number (E420) on the ingredients list. Sorbitol is a texturizing agent or sweetener. It is 60 percent less sweet than sucrose and contains about one-third fewer calories. Sorbitol is often used in chewing gums, candies, cookies, cakes, and ice cream. Sorbitol occurs naturally in some berries and fruits: apples, peaches, cherries, apricots, or dried fruit, like dates, figs, prunes, and raisins. Sorbitol is also produced from cereal starch and is one of the most commonly used polyols. The use of polyols in food applications is regulated. A list of approved food additives and their conditions of use is established by Regulation (EU) 1129/2011.

In this application note, we describe a new method involving eluent generation and high pressure ion chromatography with 4 μm particle size resin for sorbitol determination in fruits and beverages. This methodology provides faster results and improves reliability with perfect and automatic control of eluent concentration.

Full details of the experimental conditions can be found by downloading the application note.

Results and Discussion
The separation of myo-inositol, sorbitol, and mannitol standard solutions is shown. The use of the 4 μm column technology allows for baseline resolution of sorbitol and mannitol despite the short elution time. This resolution facilitates the separation of sorbitol and mannitol in complex sample matrices.


  • The new Dionex CarboPac PA300-4μm column allows simplified, high-resolution sorbitol separation and quantification in complex samples.
  • The sorbitol amount could be determined in a few minutes increasing sample throughput.
  • Data reprocessing with Chromeleon software is easy to manage for fast routine implementation with a high degree of automation. The in situ preparation of the eluents ensure high reproducibility of retention times and peak area. The high purity eluents facilitate the high sensitivity detection of sorbitol, reducing the necessary sample preparation to a simple dilution with DI water.

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