Evolution of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical Development

by | Sep 15, 2021

Benefits for targeted TRS implementations in pharmaceutical development and role of HPLC for successful quantitative TRS method development/verification.

Separation Science collaborates with industry thought leaders in a series of expert presentation and discussion forums - 'Advancing Pharmaceutical Technologies'. Presenting events that enable molecular spectroscopy approaches to key challenges in the pharmaceutical development space. Each forum will feature presentations and discussions between industry thought leaders, addressing current state-of-the-art molecular spectroscopy innovations and workflow productivity improvements across pharmaceutical development. 

Part 1 of this series will focus on the evolution of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in pharmaceutical development.


Advance With Transmission Raman

The Evolution of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing 

Date: 5 October, 2021
Duration: Approximately 75 minutes

Learn from the experts at Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GSK and MMIC.

It has been around 15 years since Prof Pavel Matousek of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory first reported that transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) was viable for whole tablet analysis. This was a paradigm shift in how tablets could be analysed for content uniformity and API morphology in a matter of seconds without destroying the tablet. Development of a practical platform for exploitation has evolved and led to successful applications delivered as part of commercial pharmaceutical regulatory submissions. Although there is a shift in the primary method, for example, for content uniformity, there still remains synergy between spectroscopy and chromatography, particularly in method development and verification. Understanding this synergy has been part of the journey leading to success.

Expert Presenters & Panellists

JulienVillaumieDr Julien Villaumie
Principal Scientist - Analytical Expert, Novartis
MartinMarmanProf. Martin Warman
Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, UK
GaryMcGeorgeDr Gary McGeorge
Sr. Principal Scientist, Bristol-Myers Squibb
MarkGodfreyDr Mark Godfrey
Scientific Leader, GSK

These presentations and discussion forum are represented by stakeholders and experts who have been involved in delivery of applications and have a vision of where the technology needs to be with the evolution of innovative drug development workflows and advanced manufacturing capabilities.

By attending you will learn about:

  • The benefits for targeted implementations of TRS in pharmaceutical development and manufacture
  • The business justification for the transition from conventional/traditional methods
  • The route to implementation of TRS and the regulatory submission for manufactured products
  • The important role of HPLC for successful quantitative TRS method development and verification
  • The barriers and challenges including cultural, regulatory, and scientific.
  • Where the technology is now and what is needed for the future
  • What can TRS ultimately achieve in bringing benefits to drug development and manufacture

To register for this educational event, simply click on the button below:

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