Food analysis applications using atomic spectroscopy

by | Jan 14, 2020

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a comprehensive list of application notes relevant for food analysis using various atomic spectroscopy techniques.

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a comprehensive list of application notes relevant for food analysis using various atomic spectroscopy techniques.

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Applications include:-

Soy_sauceLead Determination in Soy Sauce using AAS
This note demonstrates that AAS is an ideal solution to deliver accurate results quickly even with complex samples and high background effects.

Cadmium_crabCadmium Determination in Crab Meat using GF-AAS
This application note describes the analysis of cadmium in crab meat by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) following microwave assisted acid digestion.

Nutritional_elementsDetermination of Toxic and Nutritional Elements in Cereal and Other Plant Seeds using ICP-OES
This application note demonstrates rapid and accurate determination of toxic and nutritional elements in food samples using the Thermo Scientific iCAP 7400 ICP-OES Duo.

WhiskyAnalysis of Trace Elements in Whisky Using ICP-OES
This application note demonstrates the ability of the Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000 Plus Series ICP-OES to determine trace elements and major components in whisky.

Canola_oilElemental Analysis of Canola Oil using ICP-OES
This note demonstrates the ability of the Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000 Plus Series ICP-OES to handle difficult organic matrices like oils with a minimum effort for sample preparation.

Arsenic_riceDetermination of Inorganic Arsenic in Rice using IC-ICP-MS
This application note demonstrates how the coupling of IC with ICP-MS helps meet regulatory requirements in the field of arsenic determination.

Drinking_waterFully Automated, Intelligent, High-throughput Elemental Analysis of Drinking Waters using SQ-ICP-MS
This application note demonstrates robust high-throughput analysis of environmental samples using SQ-ICP-MS in He-KED mode, in accordance with the requirements of U.S. EPA method 200.8 Revision 5.5.

Food_samplesTotal Elemental Analysis of Food Samples for Routine and Research Laboratories using SQ-ICP-MS
This application note demonstrates how simultaneous determination of all elements of interest in a wide range of food samples can be efficiently and rapidly performed using the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ RQ ICP-MS.

Food_samples_iCAPTotal Elemental Analysis of Food Samples using TQ ICP-MS with Autodilution
This application note demonstrates how simultaneous determination of all elements of interest in food samples can be efficiently, rapidly and automatically performed using the Thermo Scientific iCAP™ TQ™ ICP-MS coupled with an autodilution system.

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