Food Analysis To Check Quality, Safety And Authenticity By Full-Automated 1H-NMR

by | May 22, 2018

Full-automated high resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy screening capabilities for food quality and safety by combining non-targeted and targeted screening in one analysis. NMR reproducibility allows statistical investigations for...

[On-demand webinar] Full-automated high resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy offers unique screening capabilities for food quality and safety by combining non-targeted and targeted screening in one analysis (~ 20 minutes from acquisition to report). NMR reproducibility allows statistical investigations e.g. for detection of variety, geographical origin and adulterations, where smallest changes of many ingredients at the same time must be recorded.

Reproducibility and transferability of the solutions shown are user-, instrument- and laboratory-independent. Sample preparation, measurement and processing are based on strict standard operation procedures. The non-targeted approach to the data allows detecting even unknown deviations, if they are visible in the 1H-NMR spectra.

The same data acquired in high throughput mode are also subjected to quantification of multiple compounds. The fully automated 1H-NMR methodology will shortly be introduced and then results on fruit juices, wine and edible oils will be presented and the advantages of the fully automated 1H-NMR solutions shown.

The method has been proven on fruit juices and wine, where so far unknown frauds could be detected.

In addition conventional targeted parameters are obtained in the same analysis. This technology has additionally the advantage that NMR is completely quantitative and concentration calibration only has to be done once for all compounds.

Markus LinkDr. Markus Link (Bruker BioSpin GmbH in Rheinstetten, Germany) is responsible for the business development of the ‘Applied-NMR’ solutions in the food and beverage market worldwide. He prepares and proposes co-operations in new and potential interesting market segments. Dr. Link did his degree in horticulture at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden (1987-1990), Germany, and his Master`s degree in biology at University Mainz (1990-1994), Germany, followed by his doctorate at Max-Planck-Institute in Ladenburg, Germany, in 1997 (Molecular biology and protein biochemistry). Dr. Link completed studies with a degree in business economics in Kaiserslautern, Germany, parallel to employment in 2003. 


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