Benefit from a series of educational resources aimed at pharmaceutical scientists, ranging from pharmaceutical impurity method development, to a complete HPLC workflow comprising multiple detectors, to strategies to improve productivity and reduce cost per sample.
Access learning materials for pharmaceutical workflows including:
Pharmaceutical Impurity Method Development
Hear how you can optimize your impurity analysis workflows to obtain greater productivity, sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility to meet increasing regulatory requirements and lower limits of detection. In this presentation, Elaine Corcoran from Broughton Laboratories presents work in the area of pharmaceutical impurities focusing on method development and validation of related substances, stability studies and impurity profiling and the investigation of unknown impurities.
A Multi-detector Platform for Comprehensive Sample Analysis
A saying in the analytical lab is that you can only find what you are looking for - and this is often tricky enough. It becomes really challenging, however, when you are looking for unknown substances. This article shows a complete workflow for an HPLC configuration using different complementary detectors - UV/Vis, charged aerosol, and single quadrupole. With this set-up hardly any unknown substance remains hidden.

Organic Impurities Analysis Workflow
In this presentation Heiko Herrmann shows the strategies to improve productivity, reduce cost per sample and gain deeper insights for organic impurity analysis using novel UHPLC and detector technology. How to achieve confirmation, identification and quantification simultaneously with a multi-detector approach.