This application note will help you learn more about the rapid pre-column derivatization method for amino acid analysis and explore the automatic pretreatment function of of Shimadzu’s Prominence™-i integrated LC system.

Quantification of amino acids is critical in many food development and production processes. As amino acids are poorly responsive to UV detection, these compounds typically require derivatization. Post-column derivatization is commonly used for ease of automation; however, sensitivity and speed of analysis are compromised due to the column used and setup.
To achieve rapid and accurate analysis of amino acids in food, pre-column derivatization method with integrated HPLC system could be utilized. Shimadzu’s ProminenceTM-i features the automatic pretreatment function (co-injection), which simplifies the derivatization process by incorporating all processes within the needle itself. With this automated technique, no additional pump or a dedicated configuration is required as mixing and derivatization are conducted within the needle. Moreover, the volume of samples and reagents are kept to a minimum. These features result in significant reduction of both implementation and running costs. Furthermore, as derivatized amino acids are separated on a reversed-phase column, high sensitivity analysis can be achieved. The described technique demonstrates to be effective and accurate for the determination of amino acids in food.

Auto Pretreatment (Co-Injection) Process
Download this application note and...
- Learn more on the rapid pre-column derivatization method for amino acid analysis
- Explore the automatic pretreatment function of Shimadzu’s Prominence™-i integrated LC system.