Easy characterisation workflows in therapeutic protein analysis

by | May 7, 2019

Learn how new technologies overcome issues with automation of peptide mapping, including PTMs, and the benefits of automation in 96-well plate format.

Looking for new and improved technologies to advance your peptide mapping strategies? Do you want to overcome automation problems with your therapeutic protein workflows? If so, signup for this educational presentation...

Peptide mapping is a fundamental workflow that is required to ensure that biotherapeutic structural integrity is maintained at all stages of the drug development pipeline. This is required for the maintenance of drug efficacy and patient safety.

Current sample preparation techniques utilized for peptide mapping are complex, and prone to error, which can have a dramatic effect on reanalysis rates, transfer and implementation of methods at different sites.

There is also the question of how techniques can be developed to prevent or minimize post translational modifications (PTMs), especially in relation to Multi Attribute Monitoring.

With the continued success and growth of bio-therapeutics these issues are further compounded by the drive towards automation to facilitate high throughput processing.

Ken Cook, European Bio-Separations Team Leader at Thermo Fisher Scientific, is giving a presentation on how new technologies can deliver peptide mapping which is:

  • fast
  • easy for untrained operators
  • reproducible and transferable
  • easy to automate
  • provides high quality results with low PTMs

During the talk Dr Cook will explain how new automated technologies compare to existing practices, describe the challenges faced in peptide mapping and sample preparation, and how new technologies overcome issues with automation of peptide mapping, including PTMs, outline how new automation in 96-well plate format is reproducible, fast and easy to use.

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