Experience JASIS 2019, 4-6 September, Tokyo, Japan

by | May 9, 2019

JASIS (Japan Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show) is one of the largest exhibitions in Asia for analytical and scientific instruments.

JASIS is one of the largest exhibitions in Asia for analytical and scientific instruments. JASIS stands for "Japan Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show" and is the cutting-edge scientific instruments, analytical system & solution exhibition which will support the advances of science, analytical instruments and scientific equipment makers.

Every year it is comprised of many exhibitors including domestic and overseas leading manufacturers. Total visitors exceed 20,000 each year.



Most Advanced Exhibition for Scientific/Analytical Systems & Solutions

It gathers numerous exhibitions which will support the advances of science, analytical instruments and scientific equipment makers.

New Technology Seminars and Presentations

Seminars and presentations on new products, new technologies know-how are held.

JASIS Conference and Seminar

Seminars and forums hosted by organizations, societies and associations are held.

[Special Projects]
Open Solutions Forum

The respective themes for the three days of the Forum are "Personal Care", "Evaluating Taste" and "Bonding and Surface Treatment".

Combining keynote presentations by prominent lecturers with presentations by exhibitors, programs are being organized that will introduce a wide range of applications.

In order to allow for larger attendance, a special theatre is being established within the JASIS Exhibition Hall for 200 persons.

Life Sciences Innovation Zone

Under the theme "Breakthrough for Biopharma & Next-generation Healthcare~Door to success, Bio-business leading by Advanced analytical technologies~", in a specially established zone within the JASIS Exhibition Hall, many keynote presentations focused on new technologies required in these fields are being organized.

Also, preparations such as exhibition space, presentation halls, business negotiation lounges etc., are being made with the aim of making this a base for disseminating technology information leading the life sciences market for enterprises and institutions.




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