LECO in metabolomics

by | Oct 21, 2019

Following the recent 15th Annual Conference of the Metabolomic Society in the Hague, Dr Ralf Löscher, Vice President of LECO Europe, took some time to answer some...

Following the recent 15th Annual Conference of the Metabolomic Society in the Hague, Dr Ralf Löscher, Vice President of LECO Europe, took some time to answer some questions concerning LECO's role as a leader in GC-MS metabolomics. The full interview can be downloaded below.

Interview_LECO_RalfLoescherLECO was one of the exhibitors on the 15th Annual Conference of the Metabolomic Society in The Hague a few weeks ago. Being described as the established leader in GC-MS metabolomics, LECO products deliver the accuracy, resolving power, deconvolution, and speed to characterize the most complex biological systems. A perfect time for addressing some questions around this both interesting and up-to-date topic to Dr. Ralf Löscher, Vice President of LECO Europe.

In this interview you will acquire:

  • Background information about LECO
  • Insights into GC×GC and TOF technology
  • Knowledge about complex matrices in metabolomics
  • Information about detecting true unknowns.

You may also be interested in these two related application notes...

LECO-yeast-metabolite-characterizationUtilizing the Pegasus GC-HRT 4D for Improved Yeast Metabolite Characterization
In this study, the utilization of gas chromatography—high resolution time of flight mass spectrometry (GC-HRT) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography—high mass spectrometry (GCxGC-HRT) for molecular profiling of yeast is explored.

LECO-smokers-and-non-smokers-urineAnalysis of Smoker's and Non-Smoker's Urine Using the Pegasus BT 4D
In this study, a novel analytical approach based on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-high performance time-of-flight mass spectrometry was utilized for robust identification of compounds in two urine standard reference materials (smoker's and non-smoker's urine).

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