This on-demand expert discussion forum addresses some of the key analytical issues surrounding food fraud and authenticity testing. Register and benefit from the real-world experiences of our expert panelists and discover the role of mass spectrometry in fighting food fraud.

Format: On-demand
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes
Event Overview
Tackling food fraud is a global problem requiring a global effort. Fit-for-purpose analytical methods, both targeted and non-targeted, are required to identify fraud candidates and characterize specific markers for confirmation, enabling a legal route to address and overcome these food fraud issues.
Chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques fill the analytical toolbox required for food authenticity testing, and together with global collaboration for method development, protocol building and solution validation offer a platform for understanding and preventing current and future food crimes. Register for this on-demand forum to hear leading industry experts discuss these issues.
Watch the presentation to learn:
- What analytical techniques are useful in confirming authenticity?
- Why mass spectrometry is such a promising tool for food authenticity?
- What are the challenges with mass spectrometry that prevents its widespread and routine use for food authenticity currently?
- What innovations or advances in mass spectrometry would aid its wider adoption in food authenticity testing?
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Expert Panelists
Prof. Chris Elliott, PhD, FRSC, FRSB, MRIA, OBE (Queen’s University Belfast)
Chris is Professor of Food Safety and founder of the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s University Belfast.
Prof. Chiara Cordero (University of Turin, Italy)
Prof. Cordero's research interests focus on the development of instrumental configurations for GC×GC-MS for food-omics investigations.
Dr Stéphane Bayen (McGill University, Canada)
Dr Bayen's research interests include the fingerprinting of trace chemicals in agri-food matrices, the fate of contaminants, and ecological & human health risk assessments.