Tracing the Origin of an Apple: Metabolic Profiling using Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry

by | Mar 8, 2018

Discover effective methods for testing and controlling food authenticity using metabolic food profiling, including methods to protect high value food products from fraudulent intentions, using an LC/Q-TOF...

Discover effective methods for testing and controlling food authenticity using metabolic food profiling.

AgilentAppleOver the past few years, there has been a steady increase in consumer interest in the reliability of food product labelling. This interest extends from food available at global retail outlets (e.g., supermarkets) through to local food markets. The European Union’s Database of Origin and Registration (DOOR), containing more than 1500 entries, lists all controlled food products produced in the European Union with their protected geographical origin and traditional production method. Analytical methods for testing and controlling food authenticity are, therefore, needed and metabolic food profiling is one of the possible approaches to master this very complex topic. Using a database associated with a chemometric model it is possible to identify a specific food type (e.g., variety) in a routine manner. In this webinar, produced by Separation Science in collaboration with Agilent Technologies, methods to protect high value food products from fraudulent intentions, using an LC/Q-TOF and MassHunter profiling software will be discussed. Click on the play button below to view the presentation:

By watching this presentation you will learn about:

  • the advantages and performance of the Agilent 6545 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS system under real working conditions
  • why food authenticity is an emerging topic, which will grow in significance over coming years, and why every food testing laboratory should be concerned about it
  • how to design food authenticity experiments

About the presenters
WagnerWebDr. Franz Siegfried Wagner obtained his PhD in biochemistry from the University of Technology Graz/Austria. He is the head and owner of Institut Dr. Wagner in Lebring/Austria. Institut Dr. Wagner is an internationally accredited laboratory with focus on analyses of pesticides and contaminants in food and feed.

LaszloWebDr. László Tölgyesi is an LC/MS Application Chemist with the Market Development group at Agilent Technologies Germany. He earned his PhD in analytical chemistry from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. His work focuses on developing LC/MS analytical techniques for emerging compounds of interest in the food and environmental markets.

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